
Showing posts from April, 2018

Logan (Movie)

This is my first review.Enjoy! Perhaps no movie has gone as far as James Mangolds’ Logan in deconstructing the myth surrounding superheroes. In a setting reminiscent of the last days of the Greek hero Jason on his crumbling ship the Argo , the movie shows a weary Logan(Hugh Jackman), struggling to care for Professor Xavier( Ian Mckellan) in a world hostile to mutants.   His mundane life is given new meaning when he meets a young mutant girl, Laura (Dafne Keen). The film is surprisingly deep for one based on a comic book, dealing with many important themes including illegal experimentation, child soldiers, and eugenics. There are numerous times where Logan is forced out of this apathy to ‘stand up for the little guy’, against various big guns from the local real estate mogul to Transigen corporation which is hunting down the girl. Even the very idea of a safe haven for mutants in Canada, called Eden could or could not be an allusion to recent events. On Violence For a m


Hi there! This is Drogorath, the dragon lord of this here cave, guardian of this hoard of critical treasures. Just kidding, this is my first blog so I'll appreciate some constructive criticism.I'll be dealing with reviews and reflections on books, movies, video games, board games, anime, music and whatever I want to comment upon. I hope you enjoy reading this...